Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Online Tells Part 3

There is a nasty virus spreading across online poker sites that is far more potent than swine flu and yet there has been no effort to quarantine it.This virus tends to attack those with no brain or poker thought process and leaves them in a zombie-like state,"You mean like the films Bondy?" YES,just like that,in fact i believe Full Tilt Poker has commissioned remakes of these zombie films with the first of a trilogy due for release soon,Dawn Of The Donk.This will be followed by Donk Of The Dead and ending with my favorite,Night Of The Living Donk.
"So whats this virus called Bondy?" Well,i call it the DRD virus but it is more commonly known as the Double-Raising Donk virus."Is it contagious Bondy?" Yes,very,
but fear not as you have boosted your immune system just by reading this.
The favorite hand for the DRD is KQ followed by medium pocket pairs and AJ,although some of the more seriously infected will do it with suited connectors and rag aces.
For those of us who are not infected this is a godsend as we are getting information for nothing and makes it easy for us to narrow down their hand if we are involved in a pot with them. Lets assume the blinds are 15/30 and the DRD has raised to 60 and you have called,the flop comes Queen high and the DRD checks...Well he probably hasn't got KQ and is likely holding AJ or medium pocket pair so bet and he will probably fold.
There is a time and a place for the double raise,normally when the blinds are big but it should never be used at low levels,5% of poker players will agree with me and the other 95% will be wrong,so don't end up with a staring roll in Night of the living Donk...stay virus me,I'm usual.
PS, only 5% of poker players make money playing poker...nuff said.


  1. even my wife thinks this is funny stuff bondy although she thinks you are one sexist mother f###a!!keep it up please.

  2. sexist mother f@@@a? not sure i know what she means mate....


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