Monday, 3 August 2009

brilliant foresight from donk

i was playing a sit and go on pokerstars,i am in 3rd position with 1400 chips,blinds were 25/50 and i am dealt pocket aces. i raise to 250 and i am called by DonkeyDonk who has 1000 chips.... the flop came 10c,6d,2s.a nice flop. there was 575 in the pot so i bet 450 and was reraised all in by Donkey Donk...... its 350 more to me and an easy call.......he shows jack 4 of diamonds? the turn came diamond as did the river to give him the flush and the pot...........HOW I LAUGHED! I wondered what had made him make this inspired move,so i polightley asked him to explain to us lesser mortals. When he explained it made perfect sense,you see he had obviously put me on jack 3 so figured he was ahead and at worse would split the pot.............well it made sense to me,brilliant play and well read by him. After this insight into the poker mind of a genius i asked him if i could forward his address to friends of mine so they to could learn from him and he kindly agreed,so you can write to him at...........
Mule House,
Donkey Road,
Donkey Land
Please drop him a line and learn from a master.......more tales later.


  1. not a comment as such but computers confuse me and i want opinions on this (farkin stoopid?)play by me. hindsight is a wonderful thing by the way.
    annual xmas tourney, on the bubble 9 left 8 get paid. on the button with blinds at 200/400 with 7200 chips. dealt 55. one flat caller (son of stumpy)so i raise to 2k total (1600r). small blind goes all in for 6100. now the small blind is in the middle of his regular drink fuelled implosion so im not worried as i put him on ace rag or any 2 pics. instacall from son of stumpy so now i am worried cos ive seen thru his "i play any two cards and hope to hit routine". if i call and lose im phukt having only 900 chips left. call and win ive got aboot 20k. if sm blind wins im dubbly phukt cos ive got 900 chips in 9th place. playing cash i would have called immediately and trusted to luck.but at this stage in tourney i folded and decided to wait for another opportunity.
    as it happens sm blind had kj off (good pick by me) but son of stumpy had ak off and i had put him on a pocket pair slow playing.wrongwrongwrong!arse!!
    board came 247 10 Q so i would have scooped the lot.arsearsearse!!!
    what would youse've done and why?

  2. I think your raise pre fop was weak as your stack was short. You raised and put over 30% of your stack in. You may as well go all in and then you've got more fold equity. But calling is probs best option IMO. You say your not worried about the Small blind, but even if he has Ace Rag your racing in that spot at best. But as the hand played out your fold was def the correct play in long run

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